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  • Most remarkably we identified Nppb Bnp a well


    Most remarkably, we identified Nppb (Bnp), a well-studied marker in cardiovascular disease, as a novel putative Shox2 target gene. This gene was analyzed as working myocard marker and turned out to be significantly upregulated in Shox2 SAN-like axl inhibitor and in right atrial tissue of Shox2-KO embryos. Interestingly, NPPB (BNP) has been previously described as direct target of SHOX2 and SHOX (a highly homologous transcription factor) in skeletal development (Marchini et al., 2007; Aza-Carmona et al., 2014) suggesting this gene as reliable target also in heart development. Recently, we could link SHOX2 mutations to atrial fibrillation, the most common arrhythmia in humans (Hoffmann et al., 2016). In turn, elevated BNP levels and higher NPPB mRNA expression have been detected in subjects with atrial fibrillation (Tuinenburg et al., 1999; Silvet et al., 2003) suggesting that our generated ESCs have the potential to serve as an excellent in vitro model system. Taken together, we established an ESC-based cardiac differentiation model and successfully purified Shox2 and Shox2 SAN-like cells. This provides a fundamental basis for the investigation of molecular pathways under physiological and pathophysiological conditions and may serve as drug testing system for evaluating novel therapeutic approaches. The following are the supplementary data related to this article.
    Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Ralph Röth, Birgit Weiss and Karina Borowski for excellent technical assistance and to Anna-Eliane Müller for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [RA 380/14-2].
    Introduction Adult stem cells have been identified in various tissues, such as bone marrow and skin within tissue-specific niches. However, they are found in small amounts in adult tissues and show limited self-renewal potential in culture. These properties, together with the heterogeneous feature of some adult stem cell types, make it difficult to study them at the molecular level. This heterogeneity has evolved as a mechanism that enables stem cells to respond to differentiation-inducing signals during self-renewal (Graf and Stadtfeld, 2008). Human dental pulp cells (hDPCs) are a source of multipotent stem cells for pulp and dentin regeneration (Gronthos et al., 2002). hDPCs are obtained from the primary culture of dental pulp tissues, and the primary cell population are predicted to be a mixture of differentiated cells, progenitors, and stem cells. Cell surface markers have been used to select different subsets of DPCs displaying different differentiation potentials (Kawashima, 2012). STRO-1 identifies a subgroup of cells with dentinogenic properties from dental pulp cells (Yang et al., 2009). Cells that are positive for CD34 and CD117 and negative for CD45 are highly clonogenic (Laino et al., 2005). Other markers expressed by dental pulp primary cells are CD29 and CD44 (Jo et al., 2007), as well as CD73 and CD105 (Pivoriuunas et al., 2010). Some of these markers are detected in perivascular, cell rich zone, odontoblastic layer and central pulp core (Machado et al., 2016). In addition to membrane proteins as the cell surface antigens of stem cells, oligosaccharide moieties of cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids play important roles in the differentiation, adhesion, migration and growth of stem cells (Chen et al., 2015; Gu et al., 2012; Lau et al., 2007; Zachara and Hart, 2002). Cell surface glycans help cells communicate with their extracellular environment, encounter other cells and ligands, and facilitates cell adhesion by proper protein-protein interaction (Haltiwanger and Lowe, 2004; Rudd et al., 1999). Due to their lineage-specific nature in different cell types, glycan structures can be used as promising targets for the identification and isolation of stem cell markers (Lanctot et al., 2007; Tateno et al., 2007; Varki, 2006). Typical embryonic stem cell markers, glycolipids SSEA-3 and SSEA-4, were identified from monoclonal antibodies recognizing oligosaccharide epitopes, which are glycosphingolipids (Lanctot et al., 2007; Muramatsu and Muramatsu, 2004). Polysialylation of neuronal cell adhesion molecules and various N-glycosylation patterns are promising candidate markers to detect and discriminate neural stem cells (Close et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2012) and adipogenic progenitors (Hamouda et al., 2013), respectively. Although many markers expressed by fibroblastic cells show cross-reactivity with hDPCs, there are no specific and strict protein markers or carbohydrate epitopes characterizing the subset of stem cells within the hDPC population. In order to identify potential markers for stem cells in the hDPC population, we previously screened surface antigenic molecules from undifferentiated hDPCs, which would contain stem cells, and collected monoclonal antibodies against surface antigens (Hwang et al., 2015b). One of those antibodies recognizes the cell surface glycan structure of undifferentiated hDPCs, potentially providing a new glycan-based surface marker for stem cells in the hDPC population.